Optimize your Searches by Sorting Fields

Did you know that you can sort data in ascending or descending order in most grids? In some cases, you can even save the last sort used without compromising performance. Below is an explanation of when and how you should use this function.

By default, the columns in some of the grids are indexed to facilitate reading data and to reduce processing time. If a user sorts a column that is not indexed, maestro* sends a request to the server and asks the server to read all of the records in the file before displaying them. This can sometimes take several minutes. It is always best to sort a grid on an indexed column to avoid forcing maestro* to read too many records.

If a sort is performed on an indexed column, you can ask maestro* to save the sort and this can sometimes be very helpful. If you save the sort, it will be applied by default whenever this screen is accessed by this user.


This type of sort can performed in several different types of grids:

  • Transaction summary (upper portion of data entry screens);
  • Search screens;
  • Data entry grids.

Given that the content of data entry grids is always loaded in memory, you can usually sort the grid on any column without compromising performance.

However, transaction summary grids and search grids usually load only the rows displayed into memory to limit the information to be read and processed.

For these grids, the column on which the sort is performed can have a major impact on performance.


This document only applies to transaction summary grids and search grids.



  1. Using the Enter Hours option as an example, click first on the Display only transferred entries file.

A triangle is displayed at the top of the columns to identify the indexed columns.


In some screens, the triangle is available in all columns. This means that all of the data is already loaded into memory.

  1. To sort a column, simply double-click in the header of the column. The triangle changes depending on the sort performed.
  • If the triangle is pointing upwards , the sort is in ascending order (smallest to largest);
  • If the triangle is pointing downwards , the sort is in descending order (largest to smallest);
  • If the triangle is black , the sort is active.

To know which columns are indexed, right click in the transaction summary grid, select Configuration in the menu displayed.

Columns in which a dynamic filter can be used are indexed columns.

  1. In the Configuration screen, check the Remember Last Sort option if you want maestro* to remember the sort performed and apply it automatically the next time.
    • Check this option only if you have performed a sort on an indexed column.
    • If you check this box for a non-indexed column, maestro* will have to read all of the data to be displayed the next time this screen is used, which may be very time-consuming if there is a significant amount of data.


This configuration can be set by user and by option. However, if you sort on a Supplier column in the search screen and save the last sort, wherever searching for a supplier is possible, the column will be sorted.


Formerly, Tips & Tricks no. 23

Last modification: March 10, 2025